Tell the court that the other party received a summons or other legal papers in a civil case that were delivered to (served on) that party. 8105 Edgewater Drive, Suite 270 • Oakland, CA 94621 • Ph 510.244.0966 • Fax 510.383.3518. Dear Click or tap here to enter text. This letter is to acknowledge receipt of your grievance on (date) regarding services you received from (name provider). Notice of Acknowledgment of Receipt of Summons and Complaint. Refuse to accept or acknowledge receipt of a Tenant's lawful rent payment. 12. All new businesses, after October 1, 2019, in the City of Oakland Park must obtain a Certificate of Use prior to occupying or doing business within the City of. Your spouse may have filled out the Acknowledgment of Service section at the bottom of the Proof of Service. Receipt as proof of payment.