This letter is to publicize the importance of flood insurance and information to obtain a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for individual properties. Call Inova customer service at 571-472-5750 for assistance with bills from any of our Inova hospitals and the following services.People Who May Be Eligible For Medical Assistance. Lifetime Assessment of Benefits. I authorize payment of medical benefits to Fairfax Urgent Care for any service furnished. The city is provided with a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) that shows the limits of Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA). Inova offers financial assistance to patients who need help with their medical bill. To begin the process, you can fill out the Provider Nomination Form on Cigna's website or have your doctor call 877-501-7992. We accept a variety of managed care, PPO, HMO, POS. Please contact our office for information specific to your insurance company and plan.