To file a claim against the City for bodily injury, auto, and property damage, you must complete the General Claim Form. The following forms can be printed and submitted to your county DRS.Read the descriptions to determine which forms are appropriate for your needs. If you wish to defend this claim, you must complete and mail this form to the claimant or attorney not less than five (5) days before trial. If you have questions about this letter please call the Office of Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance at. 1-800-419-1473. How to complete and submit a Group Life Insurance Claim Form. Please note: If you are completing this claim on behalf of someone else (such as a minor), complete all of Part H with that person's information, and not yours. Indicate your choice on Page 5 when completing the claim form. Please note that these forms are meant to be downloaded and filled in, and may not work properly in your browser window. View policies and procedures regarding obtaining and returning from a leave of absence or a withdrawal at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.