Some of our Medi-Cal materials are available online to view or download, or you can request a printed version of any document. Medi-Cal eligibility is based mainly on your income.MEDI-CAL ANNUAL REDETERMINATION FORM. You must fill out this form and return it to the county to keep your Medi-Cal! How do I fill this out? This renewal form is for renewing Medi-Cal benefits through the Department of Health Care Services. The Forms and Resources page is designed to make it easier for VHP members to file a claim, appeal a denial of benefits, and learn more about their coverage. CCHIP is a health insurance program in Santa Clara, San Francisco, and San Mateo counties. Our most frequently used forms are made available here to help you do business with us. Social Security numbers for you, your spouse (if you're married), and any dependents you may have.