California Voter Registration. Registrar of Voters staff as to how well the plans succeeded in carrying out a free, fair, and functional election.Directors shall be elected for terms of not longer than four years, as fixed in the articles or bylaws. The governance policies and procedures cover details about governance, committees, sub-committees, and workgroups of the continuum of care (CoC). The governance policies and procedures cover details about governance, committees, sub-committees, and workgroups of the continuum of care (CoC). An ex officio director is an individual who holds a position on the board because of another position they hold. Election monitors found that over 100 ballots were lost at an East Oakland voting center, and say language access laws weren't followed at others. The name of this public benefit corporation is the Alameda Museum. You can also register to vote in person on the day of the election (November 5) at your polling location. The Alameda County Registrar of Voters says initial certified results in an Oakland school board race were not correct.