Fills out a paper ballot and delivers it to the housing company's election company representative during designated on-site voting hours. A proxy is like an absentee ballot that enables shareholders to vote without physically attending the in-person shareholder meeting.A voting right is the right of a shareholder of a corporation to vote on matters of corporate policy. With plurality voting, the nominees who receive the most "for" votes are elected to the board until all board seats are filled. Shareholders typically have the right to vote in elections for the board of directors and on proposed operational alterations. Proxy votes allow board directors to have a say when they are not in attendance while ensuring the integrity of the vote. Political parties are responsible to nominate, appoint, and place. Presiding Judges for Election Day, except in Joint elections. The Harris County commissioners court established the African American Cultural Heritage Commission (AACHC) to act as an advisory board to commissioners court. Harris County typically manages 550-750 Election Day vote centers across 1,778 square-miles.