You need to have a board of directors, but it doesn't have to be large. In fact, you can be the only member of your board when you're starting out.Boards of directors most often include inside directors, who work day-to-day at the company, and outside directors, who can make impartial judgments. A "board" of advisors is not a formal legal entity like a board of directors. I've been in a management or leadership-type role for 15 years. My current CEO is leaving soon, and I expressed my interest in applying for her position. Some discussions are appropriately held just among the board members—without the CEO. Lange most recently led MilliporeSigma's Life Science Services business and previously was the CEO of KBI Biopharma and Selexis. Martina Edwards offers skilled leadership and deep experience in financial services. The Chief Executive Officer, or CEO, is often the face of a company.