The compliance forms that follow contain fields for names, addresses, phone numbers, and other information. Free template for a corporate resolution.Use our free form to formally document your corporation's resolutions to add to your corporate records. A template for a board resolution is helpful for ensuring that all the proper information gets included on the resolution and that resolutions are consistent. The Suffolk County Bar Association and it affiliates may be contacted at the below telephone numbers or e-mail addresses. A majority vote of the members of the Board shall be necessary for election. LIDRC provides conflict resolution services in the form of arbitration, conciliation, mediation, surrogate decision making, and training. The Suffolk County Bar Association is the New York State approved body for reviewing and resolving Attorney-Client Fee Disputes. This is an application for existing leaseholders in the Suffolk County Shellfish Aquaculture Lease Program. A board of directors is an executive committee that supervises the activities of a business, a nonprofit organization, or a government agency.