If you are employed and are unable to pay a debt or a money judgment, the court can order that your wages be "garnished. If you fail to timely resolve your tax debt, your past due tax debt becomes fixed and final and we may file a tax warrant against you.You will need to fill out Order to Show Cause papers and bring them to the courthouse right away. Your landlord owes you certain duties under the law and under your lease, if you have one. Complete the form based on the instructions provided on the form. You must complete the entire form, as incomplete forms will not be processed. FORM NYC-RPT - Real Property Trans- fer Tax Return must be filed when the corporation acquires or disposes of an interest in real property, including a. The Plaintiff files a foreclosure lawsuit to ask the court to sell the home to repay the mortgage debt. Every employee must complete two withholding forms: For federal taxes: the W-4 Employee's Withholding Certificate form filed with the Internal Revenue Service. The creditor can sue the debtor for a judgment determining that the debt will not be wiped out in bankruptcy.