If the case is filed in the Circuit Civil division, you may contact the Court Registry Clerk at: (954) 831-5659. The Broward County Clerk of Court (Probate Division) is located in the Broward County Courthouse,.This article will make the process of responding to a debt lawsuit a little bit easier and tell you how to answer a summons for debt collection in Florida. LIHEAP offers qualified families an opportunity to apply online for financial assistance for electric bill payments. Filing for bankruptcy doesn't have to be scary and confusing. Log into your family portal account, and click on the blue "Update Eligibility" button in the School Readiness Applications section. Learn About Your Loan Debt and Repayment Options. Do you want to know what Broward College is doing to prepare you for loan repayment? Cashier. All in-person payments must be made at the Cashier's Office located on Central Campus. Do you owe Broward College money?