The California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC) provides information, education, and technical assistance on debt issuance and public. A covered loan shall not include a prepayment fee or penalty after the first 36 months after the date of consummation of the loan.If you want secured creditors to be paid in your Chapter 13 plan, they must file proofs of claim. Let's use the example of a vehicle loan. You should divide your debts between your unsecured and secured debts. A secured party with a perfected security interest in the accounts of the debtor, a general contractor, encumbered the debtor's right to the amounts withheld. Eastern District of California shall file documents in electronic form. Both secured and unsecured debt can be discharged in Chapter 13 bankruptcies, but non-dischargeable unsecured debts cannot be discharged in California. These goals should at all times guide debtors in completing the plan. Should I consolidate my personal debt into a new loan?