Take control of your finances and get out of debt with the helpful tips and strategies in the Getting Out of Debt For Dummies Cheat Sheet. The Fresh Start Debt Relief Program provides relief from certain vehicle ticket debt to people who obtain Chapter 7 bankruptcy discharges.Contact our Chicago loan enforcement lawyers if you need help collecting money owed through a secured or unsecured loan in Illinois. Be sure to use Loyola's School Code 001710. Our utility bill assistance programs help you pay for your gas and electric bills. Apply for LIHEAP today. Color of Wealth in Chicago shows the net worth of white Chicagoans far outstrips Black, Mexican (both US and foreignborn), and Puerto Rican households. An informative, up-to-date reference on all matters relating to money management. 9 Identify any significant physical changes in the property since. Investors are not required to fill out an FS Form 1199A.