The following is a list of some documents that may be recorded if they meet all requirements, and a description or definition of each document. The matter shall secure the evaluation report in a confidential portion of the Court file.A judicial foreclosure allows the mortgage holder to seek a money judgment for any deficiency in the property's value to satisfy the debt. The Notice of Default provides a window of 90 days during which the homeowner can work with the lender to resolve the foreclosure. Foreclosure, in turn, is "the process in which property securing a mortgage is sold to pay off the loan balance due. While the brief answer is "yes," the issue is a bit complicated, like many things in the real estate litigation world. In California, foreclosure sales can be postponed for up to one year per CA Civil Code section 2924g.(c)(1). If 3 payments behind, the I would have only been 1800 dollars behind in payments. Instrument securing a debt for collateral purposes only. We will help determine whether you qualify to file bankruptcy under Chapter 7 bankruptcy of the Bankruptcy Code.