It authorizes your creditor to receive a portion of your wages directly from your employer, in order to pay your debt. Understand what types of money and personal property can be protected from debt collectors and how creditors access wages and bank accounts.If your debt is in the database, your federal payment will be reduced or withheld to pay your debt. Local law may require the landlord to hold the security deposit in a separate bank account. Fortunately, the short answer to the original question is yes, Illinois state payroll tax debt can quite possibly be reduced. Illinois wage garnishment laws limit the amount that judgment creditors and others can take from your paycheck to repay debts. You must withhold payments for each pay period, and in most cases, send them to the state disbursement unit (SDU). Are you struggling with Illinois Department of Revenue collections? Do you have overwhelming Illinois tax debt that you can't afford to pay? Certification instructions.