A debtor's sureties shall not be distrained upon so long as the debtor himself can discharge his debt. To perfect a security interest in a deposit account, the lender must establish "control" over that account.Take no interest from him or profit, but fear your God, that your brother may live beside you. In 1795, the United States was finally able to settle its debts with the French Government with the help of James Swan, an American banker. One issue that monarchs faced was that money lent tended to take on more of a personal character than a loan to the state. Hammurabi, the exalted prince, who feared God, to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers. With a perfected security interest in the debtor's property. With a secured debt, there is no chance that the bank will lose money to a lendee's unpaid debt. You must set up direct deposit to your account. The timing of when these transactions will be credited is based on when the payer submits the information to us.