Take your finances to the next level with the practical tips and step-by-step guidance in our new course! The main types of personal debt are secured debt and unsecured debt.You have to get credit counseling from a government-approved organization up to six months before you file for any bankruptcy relief. Assisting students and family on questions regarding financial aid, benefits, student loans as well as appplying for scholarships. The Police Officer Rocco Laurie Intermediate School 72, 33 Ferndale Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314, (718)698-5757, Fax: (718)761- 5928. Setting financial goals can help students get a head start in life. Here are some of the best financial goals and how to set—and achieve—them. This act provides FY2024 appropriations for several federal departments and agencies. If you have an outstanding debt, please call our Student Billing Office at 842-8309 or toll-free at 1-800-842-4682 x28309. Tuition. The company has educational learning games from PreK to 6th grade and makes material for all learning styles.