INSTRUCTIONS. How to fill out the "Resolution Statement" in a divorce or legal separation case. You have 20 days to respond to a debt lawsuit in Arizona.This policy serves to describe the City of Maricopa's privacy practices regarding the collection and use of information from visitors. The Maricopa Community Colleges have aligned with AZCAAR to help build its future workforce and train and prepare the AZCAAR's current team! For questions about balance due, previous payments, or payoff amount, contact the Clerk's Office at 6023725375 Mon Fri 8 AM to 5 PM MST. Uniform Commercial Code ("UCC") establishes a standard for recording liens across the country. School officials with the Maricopa County Community College District have notified the FBI after a cyberattack impacted their network. For example, if you do not want information about your visit to our website sent to Google Analytics, you may download a browser add-on to opt-out of cookies. The court will attempt to make a fair division of the debts. If you get property that has a debt on it, you will probably also be given the debt.