Forms for use in cases filed to collect money from borrowers who have not made credit card, loan, or certain other types of payments. Forms to use for collection actions against consumers involving debts arising out of revolving credit agreements (effective January 1, 2019).Learn how to fill out a Financial Statement Form, which you need for many types of cases in Massachusetts Probate and Family Court. Check with the clerk's office to find out if the format of your answer is acceptable. The law protects certain income and property from creditors. If a creditor wins a case against you in court, you are responsible for the debt. The Massachusetts Affidavit Providing Documentation of Debt form is required in legal cases subject to Mass. Official Bankruptcy Forms are available from the Forms section of the website. 24 requires all debt collectors operating in the state to obtain a license with the Division of Banks. A reaffirmation agreement is only one option for managing secured debts.