Legally speaking, if she wants off the deed, and so does he, then they can do this through a quit claim deed. If you would like to file a complaint via hard copy, please call us on our consumer assistance line at (919) 716-6000, and we will mail you a complaint form.The original and one copy of this form must be completed and given to the clerk at the time you file for the divorce or when you set your hearing date. In a bankruptcy case, secured creditors have priority over unsecured creditors when it comes to distributing assets or payments from the debtor. How do I apply for Child Support Services? You can complete the application at your local CSS office or apply online. The City council of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, met in regular session on Monday, July 24, 1978, at o'clock p. m. As in legislative session, I move that the Sen- ate take a recess until 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. Prior to death, a decedent also may have deposited a will for "safe-keeping" with a clerk of court. No new or additional debt will be created.