Credit and Collection collects delinquent debts on behalf of Miami-Dade County departments. Do you offer any secured or unsecured loan to finance closing cost?A mortgage lien is created when there is a loan contract for money borrowed under a note. If your case has been assigned to a collection agency, the Clerk's Office will be able to accept full payment of your outstanding financial obligation. An exception is Miami-Dade. Their assistance was instrumental in helping Smart Network Solutions secure a loan through the program. If no others need to notified for the debts listed in Part 1, do not fill out or submit this page. A debt service reserve fund is funded with cash and a surety bond. We serve members in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. (a). A minimum of 75 total units for proposed Developments located in all areas of Miami-Dade County north of SW 224th Street; or.