On October 1, 2024, significant pieces of the Minnesota Debt Fairness Act took effect. Act r medical debt collection, wage garnishment, and bankruptcy, including banning automatic transfer of medical debt to one's spouse.The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program is intended to encourage individuals to enter and continue to work full-time in public service jobs. We register and regulate businesses that help consumers manage debt, resolve debt, and improve their credit. You may qualify if your qualified education loan is discharged after completing a federal incomebased repayment plan. Money that can't be garnished is called "exempt. " You will have to fill out papers claiming that your money is exempt. If you are being sued or believe you have a good reason not to pay, contact your local legal aid office for help at 1-(877) 696-6529. What steps can be taken to maximize loan forgiveness? There is no method of applying for forgiveness.