A Creditors meeting is held between 20-40 days after your bankruptcy petition is filed. It is held at the US Trustee's Office in Poughkeepsie, New York.In a chapter 13 case, the debtor must submit to the court a plan for the repayment of all or a portion of his or her debts. In a chapter 13 case, the debtor must submit to the court a plan for the repayment of all or a portion of his or her debts. Finally, Mayor Adams today set a new goal: No child should ever be born into New York City's shelter system. Need legal help with your debt relief, real estate or estate planning matter? Contact New York attorney Robert A. Schwartz today at 585-763-0500. A chapter 13 bankruptcy is also called a wage earner's plan. It enables individuals with regular income to develop a plan to repay all or part of their debts. The only clue as to when you should file bankruptcy is if you can no longer pay your debts.