You can be debt-free in 3-5 years if you make on-time monthly payments, and you may even pay the debt off early. The Setoff Unit is located within the Distribution Unit.We work with approximately 156 agencies in North Carolina on a daily basis. The creditor with a judgment must give you notice of your right to protect your property. You have 20 days to file a Motion to Claim Exempt Property (Statutory Exemptions). This form can be confusing and court personnel are not allowed to assist you. North Carolina law outlines the priority of payments, with funeral expenses, taxes, and secured debts being prioritized over other claims. The statute of limitations on debt in North Carolina is three years. Find debt relief resources in North Carolina, including state programs, free nonprofit credit counseling and debt consolidation programs. Amends the definition of claim set forth in GS 1H-2 so that it now means a right to payment for any debt, excluding secured debt.