It provides a lender with added security when lending out money. A secured lender is entitled to receive interest, attorneys' fees and other charges arising postpetition to the extent that the lender's claim is oversecured.The Police Officer Rocco Laurie Intermediate School 72, 33 Ferndale Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314, (718)698-5757, Fax: (718)761- 5928. If you want secured creditors to be paid in your Chapter 13 plan, they must file proofs of claim. Let's use the example of a vehicle loan. Chapter 13 bankruptcy says that a debtor has sufficient income to not only meet all of their living expenses, but also has money to pay down their debts. 2.4 Filling In the Answer Sheet. Before taking the test, you will fill out important information on Side 1 of your answer sheet. Secured debt means the lender has collateral (an asset tied to the debt). Another way of saying this is that the creditor has a lien on your property.