First Federal Credit Control is a reputable and professional collection agency that specializes in assisting small businesses with their debt recovery needs. Call us today at 561-721-1212 in West Palm Beach or 772-323-2320 in Port Saint Lucie to solve your credit problems and take control of your debt.Take the First Step in Controlling Your Debt. Simply call us to speak with a credit counselor, or complete the form below. Save a Trip to Our Office. View your court case online. If you forget to include a creditor in your filing, the debt you owe them will not be discharged through the bankruptcy. Brian McMahon has been representing bankruptcy filers for more than 32 years. Student loan debt relief companies might say they will lower your monthly payment or get your loans forgiven, but they can leave you worse off. What to do if your traffic ticket is overdue or in collections in Palm Beach County, Florida.