See below for answers to common questions about debt and judgment collection and how to protect yourself from aggressive debt collectors. The debtor shall prepare and submit to the Court a mailing matrix on computer disk which complies with the computerized noticing guidelines contained herein.Secured debt must be paid in full, including past due amounts. The federal income tax treats the income that is derived from the cancellation of debt (COD) as a separate and distinct class of gross income. When filing a Chapter 7 you fill in a Statement of Intention regarding what you intend to do with your mortgage, car or other secured debt. A debt validation letter is a written communication that a consumer sends to a debt collector or creditor to request verification and validation of a debt. (1) Complete and file with the Department two copies of Form 203-P in accordance with the General Instructions. You usually have 30 days to appeal judgments. If you do not appeal, the creditor can pay a PA constable or sheriff money to try to collect the money from you. Specifically, the bond protects the public in the event the debt settler engages in any acts of fraud or breaches any contracts made with consumers.