Online legal forms are useful for frequent, basic, and necessary tasks. Here are some resources and information to keep you up-to-date and help make your day a little easier.The Compliance File should be a PDF file uploaded upright and in a clear legible format, composed of all required documents on the Checklist. The Application should contain sufficient amount of the following information to allow the Pima IDA to review the Applicant and the Project. Our mobile and web services allow you to obtain real time account information, deposit checks, pay bills, transfer funds, purchase on the go, and more. Fill in the blank form formatted to comply with all recording and content requirements. Use the money in your Pima Federal Credit Union Savings or Term Share Certificate (CD) to secure a loan for any purpose. Additional Obligations, including the 2023 Obligations. Series. Information in a format that has earned the College awards for 25 consecutive years.