Fight debt collection lawsuits effectively with The Langel Firm in New York City. The CFPB complaint database, credit card plan survey and agreement database are good places to start if you are shopping for a credit card.In Small Claims Court, a counterclaim can only be for the amount that can be sued for in the court. The defendant will have to pay a. Ready to learn more about obtaining a debt discharge in Queens? Give us a call at (718) 340-3385 or reach out to us online. If you are being sued in Small Claims Court for an alleged debt and think you might need a lawyer, you can reach out to the Legal Aid Society here. It's crucial for New York residents to understand the state's statute of limitations, especially with the new changes. Give us a call at (718) 340-3385 or reach out to us online. We can answer all your questions during a free initial consultation.