Secured Debt – A secured debt is a type of debt that holds a security interest in a particular asset to ensure the repayment of the loan. The Deed of Trust must be in a format the Sacramento County Recorder's Office will accept.List all your known community and separate assets or debts. Schedule an appointment with one of our certified credit counselors to discuss your situation and develop a customized debt relief plan. A Master Address List includes the names, addresses and zip codes of all creditors in a bankruptcy case. You have 30 days to respond to a debt lawsuit in California. When a debt was incurred on multiple dates, fill in the range of dates. Exemptions are found in the United States Code (USC) and in the California Codes, primarily the Code of Civil Procedure (CCP). Do you find yourself only able to make minimum payments on your credit cards or loans? (PIH 2013-15) The remainder of the vacant units will.