A landlord can be responsible for up to three times the amount of a withheld deposit plus attorney's fees if wrongfully withholds a tenant's security deposit. The Child Support Division of the Office of the Attorney General operates an Insurance Reporting and Intercept Program to enforce and collect child support.You file Form 1040 or 1040-SR and itemize deductions on Schedule A (Form 1040). Security Deposit: Usually required, but only after signing a lease. Under Texas law, a person's wages can be garnished for only very specific reasons and consumer debt collection is not one of them. In Texas, if you file for bankruptcy and have secured debt, you generally have two options: reaffirm the debt or surrender the collateral. The 2nd (approved January 2021) and 3rd (approved March 2021) stimulus payments are not subject to be withheld for unpaid child support debt. To expedite the processing of your tax returns, please file electronically or use our preprinted forms whenever possible. San Antonio, Texas 78207. Imagine every month, a slice of your paycheck magically whisks itself awaypoof!