Learn about the child support Debt Reduction Program, offering financial assistance and debt management services to eligible participants. Get debt relief in San Diego, California with Money Fit.Learn about the debt relief options available for California residents including debt consolidation, debt management programs, and financial assistance. Our experienced attorneys review your criminal history, develop a detailed Fresh Start case plan, consult with you about the best strategies to move forward. If your servicer starts with a company or school name, you must consolidate your loans to get credit for IDR forgiveness. Student loan debt relief companies might say they will lower your monthly payment or get your loans forgiven, but they can leave you worse off. Applying or reapplying for a security clearance with delinquent debt is like intentionally walking into a wall. Arrears may be paid off all at once in a lump sum, or over time in a payment plan, depending upon the details of your case. Summary: You have 30 days to respond to a debt lawsuit in California. Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.