Generally, you will have from 10 to 25 years to repay your loan, depending on which repayment plan you choose. It means some creditor or the trustee had filed an objection to something, likely confirmation of your ch13 plan, and they now want to withdraw that objection.The California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC) provides information, education, and technical assistance on debt issuance and public. Any case for which all parties do not consent will be reassigned to a District Judge in the San Francisco, Oakland, or San Jose division. LOW BUT GROWING DEBT BURDEN: Current system debt ratios are very low and amortization is rapid, providing significant future debt capacity. This guide contains resources for student affairs and academic services on the Silicon Valley campus as well as other locally relevant information. Assumption that newlyissued longterm debt will be secured debt. You must withdraw or transfer any funds held in a Balance Account before closing the Balance Account. Phone: (669) 229-1504. Unlimitedad valorem taxes levied on taxable property within the district secure the GO bonds.