A good credit counselor will spend time reviewing your specific financial situation and then offer customized advice to help you manage your money. You will need to file your case at the courthouse that covers the area: (1) Where the Defendant (the person being sued) lives or does business,.Democrats need both an effective message and an effective campaign organization. The message must be short and simple. You have 30 days to respond to a debt lawsuit in California. A yearslong boom in lawsuits over unpaid bills in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties, where a third of all Bay Area residents live. A yearslong boom in lawsuits over unpaid bills in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties, where a third of all Bay Area residents live. Remember, in a lawsuit, you don't have to pick just one theory. Get the full college experience, only with less debt, in exchange for a career serving in the Army as an Officer after graduation. First Citizens provides a full range of banking products and services to meet your individual or business financial needs.