In Texas, if you file for bankruptcy and have secured debt, you generally have two options: reaffirm the debt or surrender the collateral. This article explains the protections that debtors have against debt collectors.• Surety: Provide the name of the surety company. This guide contains instructions for how to complete the form, turn it in, and prepare for your hearing on exemptions. I. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES: A. I am a borrower named in the Texas Home Equity Note (the "Note") or the owner or spouse of an. Additional Pleas and Affirmative Defenses: (Check any box that applies): I understand that I do not need to provide any information other than my name in the. Any time before the estate is closed, the executor may notify unsecured creditors with the same information and in the same way as a secured creditor. How to fill out this form. A Trust Deed or a Deed of Trust is the document that creates a lien on real estate to secure a Promissory Note, which is a promise to repay borrowed money.