Anything that is used for collateral on a secured debt can be repossessed. In Texas, if you file for bankruptcy and have secured debt, you generally have two options: reaffirm the debt or surrender the collateral.If the debt was secured, the creditor may not have to go to court to repossess the loan collateral. Payments to certain secured creditors (i.e. Fill out the "Seizure Exemption Claim Form" that is included with this notice or another document asserting an exemption; AND. Debtors should also be aware that out-of-court agreements with creditors or debt counseling services may provide an alternative to a bankruptcy filing. A CSO must register with the secretary of state. The credit repair company should be able to get most of the credit card and medical collections removed, it just may take 3–6 months. The creditor agency that is owed the debt can verify that the debt has been resolved. (A) The model clause stating the secured nature of the agreement reads: "To secure this loan, I give you a security interest in the collateral.