Please send this withdrawal form and any supporting documentation to the Department of Accounts,. If you withdraw from (or "drop") a class or withdraw from a school entirely, you may need to pay us back for certain education benefit payments you've received.Virginia Code § 16.1-79 authorizes creditors to file a warrant in debt in the debtor's local General District Court. If no portion of the claim has yet been paid, you can fill out our Proof of Claim Withdrawal form and mail it to the Bankruptcy Court Clerk's Office at:. What is a discharge in bankruptcy? A bankruptcy discharge releases the debtor from personal liability for certain specified types of debts. The law says that Treasury may withhold money to satisfy an overdue (delinquent) debt. Before a debt collector can take Social Security or VA benefits, they must sue you and win a judgment against you for the amount you owe. Before a debt collector can take Social Security or VA benefits, they must sue you and win a judgment against you for the amount you owe. (Putting property up as collateral creates a "secured debt.