By understanding the procedures that each foreclosure remedy requires, a junior lender is better positioned to protect its subordinated interests. This Residential Foreclosure Actions Consumer Bill of Rights provides guidance to homeowners facing foreclosure in New York.A Strict Foreclosure certainly is not viable in all circumstances but often is a potential alternative where the secured debt is the fulcrum security. As will be seen below, new Article 9 gives a secured party considerable flexibility with regard to satisfying a debt out of the collateral. At the start of the foreclosure action, the bank must notify all tenants that the property is the subject of a foreclosure action. Real property foreclosures can produce various tax consequences depending on whether the debt is recourse or nonrecourse. Among the most prominent features of the current housing crisis has been an unprecedented jump in the incidence of mortgage delinquencies and foreclosures. If you transfer ownership of the secured property to the lender, i.e. Once perfected, the creditor can enforce its security interest (i.e. However, the second mortgage debt and creditor's judgment remain, even though they're no longer attached to the foreclosed property.