A good credit counselor will spend time reviewing your specific financial situation and then offer customized advice to help you manage your money. Secured debts are those for which the borrower puts up some asset to serve as collateral for the loan.Access the forms and information you need to file or respond to a small claims case. You have the right to borrow from any lender; Wayne State University has no financial interest in a student's choice of lender. You have the right to borrow from any lender; Wayne State University has no financial interest in a student's choice of lender. In the second loan, where there is no collateral backing it, the bank has no collateral to seize to pay back the outstanding debt. An instrument used to encumber land as security for a debt. MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITY. Pledge programs include Wayne Access Tuition Pledge, Heart of. 199 of the faith and credit of the State of Georgia or Wayne County; but such bonds shall be.