A successful debt management plan requires you to make regular, timely payments, and can take 48 months or more to complete. Access the forms and information you need to file or respond to a small claims case.Please inform the DEBTOR of any and all debt, charges, liens, or any and all accounts or assets; also a complete history of said debt and asset assessment. The Office of Wayne County Register of Deeds records various types of documents, mostly relating to interests and transfers of property. Michigan Legal Help has tools to fill many kinds of forms but we do not cover all areas. You may have a blank form that you need to fill out on your own. Best Practices: Design a system of checks and balances to decrease the likelihood of errors and irregularities. We look at your credit report to find delinquent debt over 120 days past due. We find that and then all other debt over 30 days late has to be explained. Michigan Legal Help has tools to fill many kinds of forms but we do not cover all areas.