During the homeowner assistance process, you may need to submit a variety of documents to help us understand your financial situation. Simply download, print, and fill out the appropriate form or application and submit it via the provided fax number or mailing address.Defendant Wells Fargo refused to refinance the mortgage, and as a result Plaintiff requested a loan modification and mortgage assistance. AMENDMENT TO DEED OF TRUST—Page 1 of 5. The Court of Appeals modified the decision of the appellate division in this case challenging the devaluation of certain securities. MUFG Securities (Europe) N.V.. The Bank of Nova Scotia, London Branch. Defined in the Note. These rulings should be used ss aids ia studying the law and its formal construction as made in the regulatioas snd Treasury Decisioas previously issued. Trust. Accounts with arrangements to hold the assets in a trust. Death Certificate; Certification of Trustee naming a successor trustee.