The examples provided with your packet Must be used to complete the following requirements of the application. 17. A Deed of Trust is a legal document.Please indicate if you are filling out this form as: Authorized Agent. Fiduciary. This guide covers living trusts and assists the reader in determining whether or not this type of estate planning is right for his or her family. You need to get a solicitor to draft a Deed of Trust first to vary the percentages of your beneficial ownership. Here you will learn the application process for a homestead exemption as an heir property owner, including how to apply when there are multiple heirs. Bexar County Deed of Trust Form. Fill in the blank form formatted to comply with all recording and content requirements. We can arrange a quote for you, including preparing the legal documentation and creating a deed of trust, plus filing the Form 17 paperwork. Fill in the blank form formatted to comply with all recording and content requirements.