Take the original signed and notarized Deed of Trust and Promissory Note to the County Recorder's Office for the county where the property is located. In-person submission Under this option, a person or his messenger service may visit the county recorder's office to submit the recording over the counter.A mortgage loan document in California and many other states is called a deed of trust. In California, a deed of trust must come with security, typically a promissory note. Fill in the grantor and grantee information accurately, including full legal names and addresses. A California Deed of Trust is a legal document used in real estate transactions in California. It is the deed that shows that the lender has an interest in the property while the landowner is paying the mortgage. A California deed of trust allows a borrower to pledge their property's title to a third party to secure a loan from a moneylender. A deed of trust is the California version of a mortgage. Some of them provide online searches.