Trust Deed; Vacation. A successfully recorded document consists of two (2) items: your document and the correct payment for recording 1.A deed must be filled out properly in order to do what you intend. The loan modification updates certain termslike interest rates or the maturity datebut it doesn't replace the original note or deed of trust. The Parties agree that this Second Modification constitutes amendment to the Loan. The purpose of re-recording a document is to make corrections to a document that has been previously recorded. Deed Property Size - This refers to the size of the property conveyed in the deed. These forms are not a substitute for legal advice and if you have difficulty filling out these forms, then you may wish to consult with an attorney. Court records are kept in the Clerk's Office located on the First Floor of the Clark County Courthouse. Quit claim deeds allow for the simple transfer of property without any warranties, they are usually only used in a few specific situations.