To record a Land Record, the document must be an original or clerk certified copy. It must be signed and notarized.We can arrange a quote for you, including preparing the legal documentation and creating a deed of trust, plus filing the Form 17 paperwork. Hold title (Warranty Deed, Deed of Trust, or other similar instrument that is effective to hold title) to residential real property in Texas? Affidavit of Motor Vehicle Gift Transfer. You need to get a solicitor to draft a Deed of Trust first to vary the percentages of your beneficial ownership. Forms. Page Content. ❑ A. Both Spouses Own the Property and Want to Leave to Surviving Spouse: Fill out this section if you. Collin County Trustee Deed Form. A Form 17 will be required, at all times, for spouses, regardless of whether the property is owned jointly, or solely, before we complete the Deed of Trust.