A Modification still must be documented correctly to be enforceable and to maintain the lender's original lien priority. Insert the property description information and the address in the Short Form Deed of Trust.Any junior liens filed on the property prior to the recording of your modified DOT (intervening liens) will be superior to the new money. Most defects in deeds of trust are discovered when a default triggers foreclosure, and the lender hires an attorney to act as Trustee in the foreclosure. To transfer a property title deed in Texas, you will need a properly prepared deed as follows: The deed must be in writing. Second, I believe that allowing the amendment of the written documents in the instant appeal would amount to retroactive tax planning. From your question it appears that you have Texas real property in your own names which you want to deed to the trust. The lien remedy allows any lien claimant to make a claim directly against the owner's interest in the real property. If I understand right, you are dealing with a house that is owned in a trust. The word "Grantor" means ALLEN COLLINS and PAMELA K. COLLINS. Guaranty.