The transfer and recording of all documents conveying interest in land and mineral rights to track the ownership history of all real property in the county. This document will provide a guide to the rules and regulations for the preparation and approval of survey plats and legal descriptions.For more information on our Property Transfer Policy and Deed-in-Escrow Program, visit our Buying a House to Renovate Page. Here are the six steps to transfer your house to your living trust. They're really simple once you know what to do it's a very simple process. 30, is the deadline to file a complaint for an informal review with Cuyahoga County's Appraisal Department. Most commonly in Ohio, one party transfers title to or an interest in real property to another party through a written document called a deed. We have reviewed the Independent Auditor's Report of the Cuyahoga Community College,. Generally speaking, a person cannot be removed from a deed without their knowledge and consent. It is possible to remove someone from a deed illegally.