Future advance clauses. This clause allows your lender to provide you with additional funding in the future, using the same property as collateral.Here are a dozen ideas for current and future transactions. 1. Put all the collateral and debt in a single deed of trust or mortgage. File the deed: Submit your notarized deed to the county recorder's office in the property's county, paying the necessary filing fees. If a party knows in advance that certain deed wording will be required then the contract (or its addenda) must say so. Advance clause is a part of a contract that allows for additional loans to be made in the future, even if the lender is not obligated to do so. This Deed of Trust is to be filed for record in the Real Property Records of the County Clerk of the County or Counties in which the Mortgaged Property is. A Texas Deed of Trust creates a lien on property to secure a Promissory Note. These are two documents needed for real estate loans and seller financing.