In real estate transactions, a trust deed transfers the legal title of a property to a third party until the borrower repays their debt to the lender. I'm just going to take you through the exact process of how to fill out a deed of trust exactly and you can see what I mean it's very straight forward.As stated in an article from Rocket Lawyer, deeds of trust are not recognized in Florida and other states inside the US. There are essentially four basic types of deeds in Florida and a few additional specialized ones based off those four. They include important sections including the power of sale, payment terms, tax and insurance requirements, and promissory note. The Florida Land Trust is a fully revocable grantor trust drafted specifically to buy, hold, finance and sell Florida real estate or other personal property. They include important sections including the power of sale, payment terms, tax and insurance requirements, and promissory note. The Trustee in a Deed of Trust is the party who holds legal title to the property during the life of the loan. Trustees will most often have one of two jobs. The loan amount tied to the deed must be settled during the sale.