Please call us at (866) 821-7519 to notify us of the trustee(s)'s passing, and we will discuss the appropriate protections to place on the account. Trust deeds for temples are used to establish and manage religious trusts, ensuring the proper governance and administration of temples.This document establishes the Sree Mahadeshwara Swamy Temple Trust, appointing 9 individuals as permanent trustees to manage the trust and its properties. This is a "Readymade Format for Trust Deed for Establishing a Temple ". This free deed of trust template is a sample of a formal arrangement necessary for property transferring from a settlor to a trustee. This trust deed establishes a trust to construct and maintain a Hindu temple. Outstanding Directing in a Drama Series. Investor in the Application Form. CJ defeats Claude and Catalina in a street race, gaining the deed to Claude's run-down San Fierro garage.