Complete and file the Certificate of Amendment with the Department of State. Free guide, filing instructions, and forms to file an amendment to LLC Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State.Trade names do not need to be renewed. You'll need to fill out a new registration form with amendments and pay a fee if you want to change your trade name. Free guide, filing instructions, and forms to help you amend your LLC Certificate of Organization with the Georgia Secretary of State. WHEREAS, Fulton County ("County") entered into a Contract with Government Tax. If you do not know an attorney and you live in the Atlanta Area, you should contact the Atlanta Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service at 404-521-0777. Research your state's requirements before beginning. 2. Fulton County issues licenses businesses located in the Fulton Industrial District (unincorporated) only. Complete the information as it should appear on the Amended Birth Certificate in the top portion.